
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Farmers’ Everyday Problems and Ubqari’s Easy Remedies

Ubqari Magazine - May 2016

There are two guava trees planted in our house but the problem was that though they bore lots of fruit, there were many worms found inside the ripe guavas. Due to that reason, no one ate them and they would fall off on the ground just to decay on their own. We used many pesticides but the problem remained unsolved.

A Simple Home Remedy to Cure Cows Mouth Ulcers

Respected Hazrat Hakim Sahib, Asalamoalaikum! This happened in the year 2012 when we had bought a cow for sacrifice. It stopped taking food only two days after we brought it home. We consulted many vets but no one could diagnose the real problem in fact they prescribed various injections that in turn made our cow’s condition worse.  Then one of our elderly neighbours saw the cow and predicted that the poor animal had developed multiple mouth ulcers due to which it had lost appetite. The treatment for this problem is to take 1 kilograms of butter and mix a small amount of salt in it. This paste has to be smeared thoroughly on the cow’s palette. Do not give water to the animal for two hours after this treatment. He practiced this remedy himself and used to visit our house personally in the morning as well as in the evening. Within two days, our cow was completely fit and started taking its feed regularly.                  (Inam-ul-Hasan – Lahore)

No Rotten Fruits Anymore

Respected Hazrat Hakim Sahib, Asalamoalaikum! There are two guava trees planted in our house but the problem was that though they bore lots of fruit, there were many worms found inside the ripe guavas. Due to that reason, no one ate them and they would fall off on the ground just to decay on their own. We used many pesticides but the problem remained unsolved. One day our milkman saw the condition of the trees and advised us to blow some duas over both the trees. He said that all of the tree’s fruits go to waste and this tree must have cried a lot and thought that it bears fruits with so many endeavors and no one is able to consume them due to their moldy state. I talked to one of my aunts in the neighbourhood who advised me to practice a tasbeeh of Durood-e-Ibrahimi. My aunt told us that their guavas used to rot easily so they recited the tasbeeh of Durood-e-Ibrahimi for 41 days and blew it over the water which is used for the tree. There on we started doing the same practice too. The first day I began this practice, I dreamt that we are sowing a new guava tree and my neighbouring aunt gives me the root of an olive plant in a large glass bottle. I saw her telling me that I should sow the olive plant as well. Now, after a few days have passed, there is no insect or molds in the guava plant. I continue to blow Durood-e-Ibrahimi over my guava trees along with some additional tasbeehaat.        (G.S.)

Remedy for Improving Goats Digestive System

To stabilize goat’s digestive system, feed the animal with black salt. Besides this, feeding goats with Jaggery (gurh) once a week, also keeps them healthy. Feeding onions to buffaloes helps in increasing their milk supply and balances their digestion as well. Hens and roosters usually get wounds in their talons, if turmeric and oil is applied on them and covered with a cloth then these minor wounds tend to heal very quickly.                                 (Azam Mughal – Lahore)

Treating a Pet Cats Diarrhea

If a domestic pet cat gets frequent loose stools, it is advisable to feed it with dry cat food that is available from the market instead of milk.                                    (Haseeb – Karachi)

Treatment to Restore Buffalos Milk Supply

If a cow or buffalo’s milk has dried, write Surah Fatiha, Ayat-ul-Kursi and four Qul Sharif 7 times each on a piece of paper and feed the animal twice daily as a tablet. Insha’Allah the dried milk will revive in a flow. It is advisable to do this treatment for 7 days.

(Muhammad Abdullah – Muzaffarabad)

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